Windhill Books is a small publisher of children's picture books and illustrated middle-grade chapter books.
The goal was to communicate they are a serious, professional publisher—but also a light-hearted, fun, and somewhat whimsical company. After all, their stories do take place in faraway, make-believe lands.
While the books are intended for kids and young teenagers, the brand identity will be mainly viewed by business professionals including distributors, wholesalers, retail store buyers, bookstore owners, librarians, industry journals, and book reviewers.

Fresh, analagous color harmony reminiscent of new spring growth, flower blooms, mid-day sun

Repeatable branding elements

Direct Mail Catalog with order form, and a bookmark to give away at book signings and author events.

This logo, which appears on the back of each printed book, was created to advocate for jacketless books. Less paper, less waste, happy planet! Something the owners strongly believe in—since the floors of their kids' rooms often get littered with ripped and wrinkled dust jackets. Why not just do away with them?

A solid wood retail floor display which holds several different titles and products. And two countertop in-store point-of-sale displays. These displays are also used at trade shows and art and craft fairs.